Stop Smoking Hypnosis Scripts
Quit Smoking Hypnosis Cravings Willpower Motivation
Effective Stop Smoking Scripts
This collection of stop smoking hypnosis scripts has been developed from years of experience with every type of client. Forty-a-day smokers have walked out and never thought about a cigarette again. You can get those results too.
Hypnosis is effective because with the right approach you can eliminate the psychological need to smoke. By fixing that, you end the habit totally. It doesn't matter if you use one session hypnosis or several, with the right scripts the typical smoker can stop instantly and forever. These scripts will help convince any smoker that they can give up.
With these scripts you can help your clients stop smoking easily and permanently. With the right approach there will be no weight gain, no cravings, and no replacement habits.
Stop Smoking is in the mind
These stop smoking hypnosis scripts use the right combination of techniques to really target smoking where it lives, in the unconscious mind. Stop Smoking is hypnosis' number one money-maker. Isn't it time you got the right scripts to start getting your share?
What you get in the Stop Smoking Hypnosis Scripts collection
Stop Smoking Hypnosis Scripts
Make the cigarettes taste horrible
Use aversion to stop smoking. A script to stop smoking by making the cigarettes taste revolting. A very effective way of getting people to stop smoking. Particularly effective with secret smokers.
Visualize Stopping Smoking
Stop smoking Visualization Script. This script uses the power of visualization to allow the unconscious mind to make the changes needed to become a non-smoker for life.
Listen to your body
Stop smoking Organ Script. An unusual script that addresses the body's organs directly, and listens to them as they begged the client to stop smoking, and stop damaging them. Strange but effective.
Traditional Direct Suggestion script
Direct suggestion for stopping. This script uses carefully targeted direct suggestions to influence your unconscious mind. Shows how to use this style of hypnosis to quit smoking. Old fashioned but effective. Check it out.
Stop smoking with NLP
NLP anchoring script. How to use NLP techniques to stop smoking. Anchoring links the smoker's inner strengths and feelings to external triggers. When the trigger fires, instead of the bad habit, you get linked to resources to keep you stopped.
Find the reason for smoking
Stop smoking with regression. This script demonstrates how to use the technique of Regression to Cause applied to stop smoking. It incorporates visualisation and metaphor therapy.
Motivation to stop smoking
Stop smoking motivation script. A metaphor based script to get your client motivated to stop right now.
Stop Smoking Woman Power
A stop smoking script designed especially for women. Links giving up smoking to the things most women prize: family, friendship, appearance and personal power.
Change smoking beliefs
Stopping smoking is about changing belief. Many people want to stop smoking but are convinced that somehow they can't. This script changes that belief so that now they believe they can stop.
Stop Smoking anxiety removal
Anxiety Removal. Many smokers smoke because they have some unidentified anxiety deep inside. They smoke to avoid the anxiety. Much better to remove it.
Other Techniques for stopping smoking
Stop Smoking Relapse Metaphor
Smoking relapse prevention. A post hypnotic suggestion metaphor to anchor into the subconscious mind an unshakable belief that the client will not relapse in future.
Wipe away smoking behavior
Schoolroom stop smoking metaphor. A metaphor of wiping away the smoking habit to leave a clean slate, and leave smoking behind in the past where it belongs.
Stop Smoking cleanly
Stop smoking metaphor of a tape measure. This metaphor compares your life to a tape measure. Some of the tape has been pulled out and has got dirty and damaged. Some of the tape is still inside the container fresh and unexposed. You can clean the old tape, and protect the new.
Replace smoking by metaphor
Metaphor Replacement. This is a technique for replacing positive mental images of smoking with a negative image. By replacing the positive image you replace the positive feelings and help the smoker stop.
Multiple Metaphors for quitting
Big Purple Elephant. An example of the multiple embedded metaphors technique. This script shows how to create specially tailored metaphors for someone who believes they cannot give up smoking. Advanced technique.
End the smoking cycle
Break the smoking cycle. A powerful visualization of the commitment to stop. This script gets the client to make a public promise that they then cannot go back on.
Bonus Scripts for Smokers
Stop Smoking Induction
Smoking induction script. A special induction for smokers. Puts them into trance and seeds the idea of stopping smoking with hypnosis even before you start on the therapy.
Self Hypnosis to quit
Take away cravings through self hypnosis. A script to teach your clients how to go into self hypnosis and relax into non-smokers. Step-by-step instructions on how to go into trance quickly and reliably.
Relaxation Island script
The script is a hypnotic visualization of relaxing on a tropical beach somewhere. Show the smoker how to let go of all their problems. This script is as good as a holiday.
Bonus: Marketing Materials for your stop smoking business

Stop smoking behavior checklist
Stop smoking checklists. A checklist for motivation and one for smoking behavior. These are reminders that ensure that you find all the relevant resources, opportunities and barriers.

Handouts for clients
Documents to hand out to hypnosis clients. Use these to help manage your business. Give these to clients after the session, or email to the clients in advance. Great for priming and reinforcing your therapy.
What is Hypnotherapy?
What happens in a Hypnotherapy session?
Why choose Hypnotherapy?
What to expect in the first session.
What you get from stopping… it’s all good.
Research evidence on the effectiveness of hypnosis