Sleep Visualization Hypnosis

Sleep Visualization Hypnosis Script

Better Sleep Visualization Relaxation Trance

Visualize yourself to sleep with hypnosis

Sleep Visualization Hypnosis is a method of allowing your mind to forget about your surroundings. This frees your imagination to wander off. While it does so your body relaxes deeply. Deep relaxation is just as beneficial as sleep. The visualization leads to REM activity.  You can then decide to go into a dream state or drop into deep sleep.

This Sleep Visualization Hypnosis script shows you how to put yourself into trance, anywhere, anytime. You can use it to go to sleep, or you can use it to allow your mind to roam and relax. The more you practice it, the easier it will get. Eventually you will be able to slip into trance just by willing it. Going into trance leads to going into sleep.


 Self Convincer  
 and as you drift deeper and deeper... become aware that one of your fingers or perhaps a thumb will feel the need to move... and that will be a signal to tell you that you are in trance... your body can just move on its own... without thought... just allow that to happen ... don't assist in any way... a finger or a thumb will want to move... and that will a signal that you have achieved the state of trance...IGive time - allow for those with a slow sub conscious
 It may be just a tiny tremor... and you may be surprised at what you experience...VAccept any signal
 and while you are in this state, notice everything about this state... and learn ... so you can recognise this state... Anchor the feeling
Capabilitya state of unconscious awareness... of being in two minds... peaceful and relaxed.. and you can stay in this state as long as you like. And in this state many things are possible...> Reassurance
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 The rest of the script is in the collection  
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