Utilize Magic

Utilizing Magic Beliefs

Magic Ancestors Connections Spiritual World

Utilizing Magic Beliefs

This little script is a very flexible way of utilizing the client’s feelings of spirituality or ancestral connection. Utilizing Magic belief is a good way to progress into therapy. If your client has any sort of supernatural belief then you should use it. You don't have to believe it to use in therapy.

The script is simple and non-specific so it can be adapted to match whatever culture the client comes from. It links to personal beliefs in magic and spirits and sets up the client to be open to imaginary experiences. It can be used as an introduction to regression or visualization or past life regression. Use your normal induction to put the person into a light trance and then use the script to set the scene.


Connecting to magic beliefs
And I wonder if you can imagine walking along a path somewhere… in a land far away from here… and the path is going through some trees… past green fields… on a lovely day…VDissociation
memoryand you are walking along and you feel very young…. And you are enjoying the day… and as you walk along you gradually realize that you are not quite sure where you are… and you look aroundVTime Confusion
time distortionAnd suddenly the air changes…. things seem to change color…. to shimmer… like time has shifted…. And you notice by the wayside… a pile of stones… big boulders tumbled there…. and when you look at them you can see that they are formed like a kind of chair…. and you go across there… and all the stones are covered in carvings…. runes and markings…. old ancient things carved into the rock….VAncient Magic metaphor
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The rest is available in the Clinical Hypnosis Scripts collection
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