Hypnosis Script Self Confidence
Self Confidence Hypnotherapy Script
Self Confidence Hypnotherapy
Self confidence is a belief in yourself, the confidence to deal with any thing that life brings. This Self Confidence hypnosis script uses the person's own resources to get back the confidence they have lost. Confidence depends on having a positive self image, and confidence can be built by hypnotherapy.
This confidence hypnotherapy script rebuilds confidence through visualization and metaphor. The script uses direct and indirect hypnosis suggestions of remembering confidence, faking confidence, learning confidence, and teaching how to remain confidence in social situations by projecting confidence until you feel real confidence.
The script is extensively commented to show how each part works. This is worth studying if you are learning hypnotherapy.
Use your normal induction, confirm level of trance, then start the therapy section.
Confidence change Section
Confidence: YOU CAN CHANGE | |||
Rule | When people like yourself think about change, they realize that change happens all the time, doesn't it?. | Truism, Tag | |
And I'd like you to take a few moments now to experience yourself a little differently... | Dissociation | ||
to think about possibilities... think about change... think about how to become confident. | Open ended suggestion | ||
Capability | You know, [ClientName], people are changing all the time ... every day your body changes... you replace every cell in your body every three months... you yourself changed from a child to a teenager to an adult... automatically and without knowing how... | Truism | |
Capability | and that shows that change is easy and natural for you... isn't it? And you can be confident that... | > D | Tag |
Behaviour | ... you are already changing in many ways. | D | Lack of RI |
Behaviour | You can change the way you dress, you can change the way you work, you can change the words you use to talk to people, can't you? | Truism set | |
Capability | And therefore you can change the way you feel about yourself. | > | Sensory distortion |
Identity | And this means you can easily see yourself become a different more confident person. | > | Visualization |
New Confidence Section
Confidence Capability: YOU CAN THINK DIFFERENTLY | |||
Rule | I once met a man in Bombay [use anywhere exotic] who told me the way to get confidence is 'Fake it till you make it'. | Dissociation | |
Now... isn't that an interesting thing to think about? | Tag Question | ||
Capability | And I wonder how easily you could imagine what it would be like to 'Fake confidence until you make it.'? | Adverbial modifier | |
Capability | Take a moment now and imagine yourself doing that..., next week or next month maybe, | Visualization | |
Capability | just pretending to be confident... confidently acting confident | Rehearsal | |
Capability | And for you to be confident of being confident you need to be confident in your ability to be confident so you can be confident you can fake it confidently till you make it confidently. And you might have to fake faking it till you can confidently fake faking confidence confidently until you are confident that you can have real confidence faking fake confidence confidently, and you can be confident of that, can't you? | D | Confusion Deepener |
Henry Ford became the richest man in the world by creating and running the Ford Motor Works. He started life as a farm mechanic but became a success because he had a clear idea of how the world worked. | > | Metaphor | |
He said something that I think you might want to ponder. 'In every situation', he said, 'it doesn't matter whether a man believes he can, or believes he can't, he's right'. | Paradoxical suggestion. | ||
Rule | So you see, confidence is a matter of believing in yourself. | D | |
And I wouldn't tell you to believe in yourself ... | Misdirection | ||
because, you know, I think you remember how you used to believe in yourself and you know you can again. | Missing RI | ||
Capability | There are some things you are already confident about... you are confident about your name... you are confident about how many toes you've got, aren't you?... | Truism | |
RECONNECTION to Confidence Section
And I would like you to take a moment now... allow you mind to drift... go back into your memory... allow your mind to range over things you have done in the days and months past... and in years long ago... I want you to go back to a time when you were very confident... every day... in every thing... there was a time when you were naturally confident... and you can think back over your life... even when you weren't confident there were times when your were confident... and find times when you a acted confidently... when you did exactly the right thing... and you knew you were doing the right thing... and get that feeling again... bring that feeling up now... and really feel the confidence you had then... that feeling of confidence that you remember... and now go into your memory and identify every instance ... every time that you acted boldly... and confidently... bring all those memories... every one of them to mind ... right now... | Reconnection | ||
and when you think about it... there are many things you already feel confident about, isn't it? | D | Grammatical inconsistency | |
Capability | And that means [Client-Name], when you choose to, you can feel totally self-confident about things you choose. | = | Missing RI |
Identity | If you believe you can, you can. | D | Lack of RI |
Identity | That's what he said, 'If you believe you can, you can'. | D | Embedded quotation. |
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The rest of this script is in the Clinical scripts book | |||
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YOU are confident you HAVE CHANGED FOR EVER | |||
Capability | As this session comes an end... in a few minutes... not now... you will find yourself feeling stronger... more powerful ... different... and with a deep feeling that something has changed... you have rediscovered your natural confidence... you remember how to be confident... you know what to do in situations... you have learned to use old skills and new skills, haven't you? | ||
And as you come back to present... as I count... you can allow yourself to imagine what your days will be like from now on... | Visualization | ||
see yourself getting up in the morning... a smile on your face... feeling good about the day ahead ... before you go out you check yourself in the mirror... that confident person smiles back knowingly... you get to work or somewhere like that... you see how you walk into the room... like you own it... you walk with poise and respect... you look smart... act smart... you greet everyone and see the respect in their eyes... you carry yourself with new self respect. | Rehearsal | ||
You know to them you look like a different person... and inside there is always that little feeling, the tingle you get that tells you that you have changed... that that confidence is bubbling up inside you like a secret laugh you can't suppress... | |||
Identity | You are relaxed and comfortable in every situation... confident and self assured. | D | 'Yes' set |
Capability | Because you know you have a choice, don't you? | > | 1. Conversational Postulate |
Capability | You can choose how you feel, can't you? | D | 2. Conversational Postulate |
Capability | You always feel confident now, don't you? | D | 3. Conversational Postulate |
So now I am going to start counting from five up to one. And when I get to one you will be awake, feeling great and filled with the new feeling... | |||
Five... four... three... two... one... |
How the Confidence Script works
This Self Confidence hypnosis script reframes the client's perception: it changes the perception from fear of being judged and criticized, to having a task to perform in every social interaction. The task is to put other people at their ease, to make small talk and get them talking. By giving the client a task to do the client's focus changes from internal focus to external focus.
The client doesn't have time to worry about what the other person will think, because the client is busy assessing what aspects of the other person to comment on. Because the client is forced to actually look at the other person the act of looking is a trigger for a post hypnotic suggestion to kick in, specifying that what the client will see are signals that confirm the other person's warm regard towards the client.
The script also addresses the client's core belief issues which are usually about feelings of inadequacy, never being good enough. These are replaced indirectly by overhearing remarks that the client has actually arrived at where they are supposed to be, that the client can stop striving because the right level of performance has been achieved. Then the client is given an action metaphor for leaving behind all the things that were holding them back.
The final sections relate to common situations where confidence is needed: only one is given here. The therapist can use none, one or several of these depending on the client, and other scenarios can be added to address specific problems.
Detailed Explanation of Primary and Context Targets.
Colored text indicates what work the words are doing, or helps to structure the script. The colors show which of the therapy aspects are being addressed. See the separate table of therapy targets. Linking text is in blue. Embedded commands are bold: use analogical marking with these phrases.
For more on the codes used in this script go to How to use Best Hypnosis Scripts
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