
Redundancy Getting Laid Off Script

Losing your job Unemployed Redundant Fired Let go

How to survive redundancy

Redundancy, being laid off, is always traumatic, but it doesn't have to be a disaster. This hypnotherapy script helps energize a client who says 'I am on the scrapheap'. You can reframe the experience, come to terms with redundancy, and visualize a life after redundancy.

Redundancy happens to thousands of people. Being made redundant is not an individual failure, although redundancy often feels that way.

This script lets redundancy be seen in a different light, to be able to gain strength from it and use the redundancy experience as an opportunity for a different future.


Just relax now and let your body go limp and heavy... Now take a deep breathe... hold it... and as you let go... really let your body relax...
Now take another deep breath... and relax even more...Eye fixation
I wonder if you can imagine what it would feel like if your arms and legs were really heavy... just imagine your arms and legs are so relaxed and heavy that you just can't move them...breathing induction
and now think of some place where you can be that is always calm and peaceful for you... a place outdoors perhaps... or a favorite chair... a place where you can be on your own... just relaxing... nothing to think about... nothing to do... nowhere to go... just letting it all go...Overload induction
and think of the feeling you get in that place... and then imagine it's late afternoon... early evening... and the sun is going down... things are getting ready to settle down for the night.. and focus your attention on your breathing... become aware of each breath out.. and with each soft breath out... that sun goes down a little more... things get a little darker... and with each breath that sun is going down over the horizon... and then slipping away... down and darkness is gathering...Pace and lead
and stars are coming out now... and when there are a ten stars you can imagine turning out each star... one after the other... and as you turn off each star think of the number ten... and then turn off the next one... nine... and as that sky gets darker you feel yourself going inwards... more relaxed... letting your mind relax... and eight... another star going out... and more relaxed... and continue counting... down and down... as each number is making you more at ease.. more comfortable...
until it is just too much trouble to find the next number and it is time to totally let go... and just drift away...Depth test
When you think of what has happened to you... it is OK to think of what you have lost... but people who have lost much also need to think about something else...Reframing
they need to think about what they still have... about what is still good in their life... about the things that are worthwhile... things that last... family... friends... memories... knowledge... skills... attitude...Ambiguity
and while it might seem that these cannot measure up... really, they are so valuable that they are irreplaceable...Reframing
when you think about it... some things in life can be relied on... to last forever... that nothing can take away...Resource
identityand you have those things...don't you?Tag
IdentityYou have lifetime of experience in so many things... and when you think back...
MemoryTake a moment now and think back to all the things you have succeeded in... and there are many...Reconnect to successes
Memoryyou learned to drive... you learned how play on a team... you learned how to...
[add in whatever the client has told you has been a success]Examples
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The rest is available in the Clinical Hypnosis Scripts collection
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Reorientation Section
And thinking about who you are... and what you want to be... and how you are going to start over...
You can count from five up to one... and with each number you will feel your confidence growing....
Feel that power coming back.... that determination and drive that carries you through.... that power to fight back and take what you want...
so start to count silently from five up to one... and when you reach one you will be back in the present ... eyes open ... fully alert... and ready to make changes... to live life fully... and be a winner again... .
so when you are ready... start counting now....



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