Break the cycle

Breaking the Cycle Hypnosis Script

Break old Habits, change old behavior

Breaking the cycle Hypnosis Script

Behavior Transformation Therapy

The break the cycle hypnosis script is used as part of a hypnosis session to reinforce earlier hypnotherapy suggestions. It gets the client to visualize making a public commitment to the change they want. Breaking the Cycle lets them be proud of that change, to commit to change in front of others.

Use it after a series of hypnotic suggestions to get the client to own the change. You suggest that the client has something new, some power, etc. Then they use that as their power to change. After public declaration that the change has been made there is no going back.

The script uses Ericksonian techniques in the form of suggestions embedded in quotations. The basicĀ  metaphor is a connection between past effects and present behavior. The visualization enables them to break out of the cycle of behavior.


Hypnotic Power Transformation
And you are walking along....
and you come to this small building... an old fashioned looking building.... and it's got like carvings on the outside.. and different colors...
strange place = power center
and you just feel compelled to go inside...
and you go inside that building... and at first you can't see anything.... it's all dark ...Mpast inability
and then, as your eyes adjust, you realize that it is much bigger than it looks on the outside...
and you realize there are people in there ... hundreds... maybe thousands of people...
and they are all sitting there in rows... and you look back... as far as you can see... there are all these people stretching back...
look back = history
and right in the front... there is a chair... a big chair... like a throne or something like that... and there is a figure sitting in that...authority figure
and all the people are looking at you... and you look back at them... and you wonder what to do...exposure
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[The rest of this script is in the Clinical Scripts collection]
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