dark river induction

Dark River Induction

River of Darkness relaxation induction

Dark River Induction

A visualization and breathing induction based images of floating down a river into darkness while everything around you becomes quiet and calm and peaceful, ending on a dark sea of relaxation.


 memoryI wonder if you can imagine a river.... a wide dark silent river... now lie back... close your eyes... and think of that river... Dissociation
 and it's almost night... and the river is flowing through a city... and city is bright with lights... and there's traffic about ... and just imagine... if you can... that you are floating safe and secure on that river....VMetaphor
 and with each breath out that river flows a little further... and as it flows past... the lights along the riverbank begin to go out... and the traffic begins to slow down...  
 and with each breath.... as you breathe out.... you can sense the river flowing down, and more city lights go out...  
 and as the river flows on the darkness slowly spreads across the city... city becoming dark... and the traffic slows and stops... 
 and still the river flows on... quiet, gentle, strong... flowing through that city and as it passes more and more lights go out... until the whole city is dark... and gently breathing... the river flows on.... through a darkened countryside.... calm and peaceful.... flowing down to toward a distant sea... far away.... where dark waters merge and mingle... gently carrying you... holding you ... and that river spreads out into the warm welcoming darkness and you can just be carried wherever it flows... Pace with breathing
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 The rest of this script is in the collection  
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