two word induction

Two Word Induction

The simplest induction possible

Two Word Induction

Description: The Two Word Induction is the simplest induction around.

Procedure: All you have to do is watch the client breathe, and say two words on each breath out. The repetition and breathing calms the nervous client, and its gentle take-your-time approach lulls away anxiety about being able to go into trance.

Advantages: This induction is very hard to get wrong - gentle breathing automatically induces trance. The client can take as long as they want. It teaches you to watch the client for signs of trance.

Uses: For clients who are too nervous for other inductions.

Extensions: Once you understand the principle you will be able to do this type of inductions with any key words.



 The Setup  
 Just settle down now.... get yourself comfortable in the chair...  
 Have you got any worries about going into trance?  
 [Deal with whatever the client says]  
 I am glad you have brought that up.... that helps me a lot... many people are afraid to say what they think, aren't they?... Reassure they are doing it right
 Is your head comfortable there?.... just move your arms and legs around to get really comfortable... ready to go into trance... that's right....IBreak any rigid posture...
 - - - - - - - -  
 The rest of this script is in the Inductions Script Collection  
 - - - - - - - -  
SIGNS OF TRANCE[You should see signs of trance... eyelids fluttering... face relaxed... head jerking slightly... long slow breathing... head falling forward... body immobile and slumped.]  
 That's right...I 
 [Do a depth test, or use a deepener, then carry on with the session]   



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