Silver Frames

Healing Metaphor Silver Frames

Perspective Maturity Understanding Life Wisdom

Putting life into perspective

This script is about an old person coming to the end of their life and looking back, putting past hurts into perspective. It can be used towards the end of therapy when the person realises that they have wasted so many opportunities by being shy, or fearful or angry at the world, or whatever it was that prevented them from living a full life. It allows them to think of how much is left. It puts the idea into their mind that it is not too late, they can still live a full rich life and have everything that they want.

Leave off the last four lines and it becomes a palliative for people with terminal illness, helping then to accept what is to come.

SILVER FRAMES Perspective on life

Memories of a good life
And I wonder if you can imagine a room somewhere... a long way away from here...Dissocation
Memoryand there is an old lady/man sitting in that room... and there is a comfortable chair... and a walking stick... and everything is quiet and peaceful...peace and tranquility
and that old lady is looking out at the sun going down... and the sun is very near the horizon...Mend of life
and as that sun goes down the room is filled with golden light...
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[The rest of this script is available in the Metaphor Collection ]
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