time line therapy

Timeline Therapy

Change your past Change your future

Time line Therapy

Time line Therapy lets you see your life as if it were laid out as a line. The line stretches from birth to the present moment, and on to your future. You position yourself on that line at a point that represents right now. Then you are free to move up and down the line. You can move back in time and re-experience things from a safe perspective.

Or you can move along the line into the future. You can test out how your future life will feel. Or you can look back along the whole timeline and notice what themes are evident. You can then go to various parts of the line and make whatever changes you need to.

Do this until you have sorted out all the old issues that are affecting you. Spend as long as you want travelling along your line. Time line Therapy can be revisited several times. Each time you use it, you change a little. That change enables you to make more changes, and so on.


TargetInduction section
Before you begin going into your hypnotic trance now just make yourself comfortable. Just settle yourself down and you can relax now. All you have to do is to focus on becoming comfortable.DBind
Take a moment now and wiggle about until you are in the right position for what comes next.Ilack of Reference
Look around your body and notice if there is any tightness, or any discomfort, and maybe just shrug everything until you are happily settled down and ready. If anything is making you uncomfortable then fix it.
Fixing things stops them bothering you doesn't it?Truism
Now, in a moment I am going to count down from ten to one, and when I get to one you will have relaxed into a deep satisfying trance. But before that feel free to move every part of your body as you become loose and floppy and relaxed.I
Now take a deep breath and relax it. Just let it all flow out... ahhhhh. That's right. Now tense up your whole body, and then let go again.... really relax... and feel how good that is...Progressive muscle
TEN.... focus your attention on your feet ... think about your feet... think about letting your feet and toes and ankles relax and get loose.Induction
NINE.... Now relax all the muscles in your legs... in your calves, your knees your thighs.... very relaxed.... feel those legs getting heavy and heavier....
EIGHT... now feel that relaxation spreading into your body... your chest.....
SEVEN... and now feel that relaxation in your shoulders.... spreading all the way down your arms... down to you hands... your fingers... and those arms feel so heavy... so relaxed.... it is as if they belong to someone else....
SIX.... and now allow your neck to relax... and become aware of your face relaxing... your cheeks... your jaw... your lips ....
FIVE.... let your eyes relax... your eyebrows... your forehead....
FOUR... and everything feels loose and heavy... as if you arms and legs were made of stone.... totally relaxed... you can feel the weight pressing down... and you just can't move those arms and legs now.... and you can enjoy this feeling of total relaxation... letting go.... and the more you relax, the more you can relax...
THREE... and as your mind drifts off you feel a wave of relaxation travelling down your body .... down and down... from the top of your head... relaxing your face... relaxing your neck... your shoulders your body... spreading... down and down... gently and easily.... feel your body sinking down... safe and warm and secure....
TWO... and each soft gentle breath out.... is relaxing you more.... and that relaxing means you can relax deeper and deeper now.... letting go... drifting away.... nothing matters... enjoying that that lovely feeling...
ONE.... and totally relaxed now... totally at ease.... and your your mind can drift away to a place... far, far away..... a place where you feel relaxed.... where you feel comfortable.... always.... and think of what the place is like... what other places there might be that you make you feel comfortable... maybe a beach... or a favorite chair.... or snuggled warm in bed on a stormy night... or maybe floating in a warm bath... allow your mind to drift over these things and other things.... whatever feels right for you.... as you drift ever deeper.... enjoying the feeling ... nothing matters... nothing is important... just being in the moment... let your mind empty...Dissociation
Time Line TherapySHS08
Now take a deep breath... and as you breathe out... allow your mind to clear...
Now, in your mind, imagine a line stretching out... a straight line.... and it can be any size... any direction... and notice what color the line is... how wide it is... and anything else about that line...Vset up
and imagine you can get on to that line... somewhere near the middle... and you find yourself standing on the line...V
and as you are standing on that line... imagine that line is stretching out from past to present to future... notice which direction is the past and which direction is the future... and you are standing on the point that represents the present...V
the ends of the line may be fuzzy or sharp... far away or near... that doesn't matter right now...Reassurance
 Capabilitywhat matters is that you can move along that line... and you can turn yourself, so that when you are standing on the line, your past is behind you and the future is in front of you.
And take a moment to notice how that feels... and maybe it will take a few moments for the line to line up that way... and that's OK too. KCalibration
Back to the start of the timeline
And when you ready... turn so that you are looking along that line back to the past... and notice how that feels... and maybe there is a word that describes whatever it is you sense, feel or see as you look along that line into to the past...
I wonder what that word is? Say what that word is now.Record feelings
and whatever that first impression is... just take a moment to become OK with walking back along that line... and then start moving back... down that line... back into the past...Reassurance
and just focus on your steps... one foot in front of the other... paying no attention to anything else on that line... just concentrate on the process of moving along the line...
anything that comes up.... any memories... feelings... anything at all... it is all OK... you can move past them... you are only focusing on the steps... focusing on going back, deeper and deeper back in time...Reassurance
Capabilityand as you walk along that line, a part of you can now start to reassess all the things that you are passing... re-examine them... sometimes just noting what they are and moving on... but something inside is beginning to work... quietly and calmly... and nothing along that line can harm you...Review old ideas and beliefs
almost unconsciously... noticing things that were left unfinished... things lying there along the line... things broken or spoiled... that need repair... things that are no longer useful... that need to be tidied away...Acknowledge negative events
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IdentityBecause your are different now.D
IdentityYou have changed and learned.D
CapabilityYou can face the future with confidence. You can decide what is going to happen. You can take control of your life.D
And that timeline is stretching out ahead of you.  I wonder what part of it you will find most interesting?I
And while you think about that, it is time to come back to the present, knowing something deep and meaningful has happened.I
Reorientation Section
[use your normal reorientation routine]



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