instant induction standing

Instant Hypnosis Induction

Instant hypnosis induction standing version

Instant hypnosis and rapid hypnosis standing induction

Instant hypnosis and rapid hypnosis inductions are spectacular hypnotic techniques that are actually very easy to do. The instant induction standing version is a form of covert or secret hypnosis. Instant Inductions are used by all stage hypnotists to produce a sudden and dramatic hypnotic trance. Instant hypnosis inductions are easy to learn.

The way that the Instant Hypnosis works is quite simple. There is very little dialog involved, although there is often quite a prolonged build up to it. The client is usually taken by the hand and the hypnotist starts distracting the client in some way. The moment the client is distracted, the hypnotist suddenly jerks the client's arm and shouts. The suddenness causes the client to become disoriented, and the hypnotist immediately begins to give suggestions about relaxing, sleeping, letting go, going deeper.... and so on.

The instant hypnosis instructions must be given the moment the client gets jerked off balance. If the suggestions are not given within the first few seconds of starting the instant induction disorientation, then the client will begin to recover and will come out of trance as fast as he went in.

Principles of rapid and instant induction

There are many ways of doing Instant inductions. They are mostly for stage shows are seldom used by clinical hypnotists. If the client is not expecting it then after an instant induction the client often feels frightened, or bewildered. Although most people go into hypnosis instantly, some will instantly snap right out of it again.

Once you understand the principle behind instant hypnosis you will be able to do rapid induction hypnosis based on any kind of sudden movement.


To start the instant induction arrange it so that the client is standing directly in front of you, at a comfortable distance.
Take the client's right hand in your right hand. It doesn't matter if the client is right or left handed.D
Move the hand around a little, as if you are testing to know how relaxed the client's arm is. This is just a distraction. It has no purpose.I
As you move the hand around ask 'Are you feeling relaxed now?'D
The client will say 'Yes' or 'No'. Whatever the answer say 'Yes, I can feel that'.
Then ask the client a distracting question, all the while gently moving the hand a little. For example, 'Is you wife in the audience? Did you find your seats all right?'
You will see the client's eyes defocus as he thinks about the question, possibly his eyes will move up and to his left as he tries to visualise the response.
The moment you see that, you know that his focus has gone inwards, so
a) with your right hand, pull hard and down on his right hand so that his arm comes towards you
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The rest of this script is in the Inductions Script Collection
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'And now just allow that feeling to continue... going deeper and more relaxed... nothing to think about... mind just drifting away... as you stand there totally relaxed.... '
[And then continue with whatever you want to demonstrate.]
Safety Note: Be careful not to jerk the arm too hard, or you might injure the person. It only needs a gentle tug. Make sure that at the moment of the instant induction you are ready to take the weight.

Examples of Instant Inductions

Interestingly, instant hypnotic induction is most often seen not when stage hypnotist is using a rapid induction, but at religious revivalist type meetings. The evangelist whips up the crowd and builds excitement and expectation with music, lights and repetition. Selected people are then invited on to the stage. Most of them will already be in a highly charged state due to the emotional intensity of the meeting.

The evangelist will then take their right hand in his left hand and distract them by passing his right hand in front of their face and raising it high. As the person's eyes follow the hand the evangelist pulls hard on the person's right hand, suddenly pulling them off balance. This causes an instant induction and the person collapses into the arms of waiting attendants.

Instant hypnosis inductions can be used on anyone, anywhere, but you need to take care. Instant inductions can be fun to watch, but make sure when you are hypnotizing someone that they have consented to be hypnotized. Otherwise the outcome of the instant induction might be an instantly angry person.

Secret hypnosis is all right in its place, but instant inductions can be distressing if it is unexpected hypnosis. Instant inductions are very powerful, but be sure that you are ready to handle them.



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