eczema psoriasis hypnosis


Clear Skin Healing Hypnotherapy

Eczema Psoriasis Healing Hypnosis Script

This Eczema Psoriasis Hypnosis script provides a natural way of treating some chronic skin problems. Your skin is very sensitive to psychological issues. Chronic skin problems are usually the result of stress, of worries showing in the skin. Remove the cause of the stress and the skin rashes rapidly heal.

Eczema and psoriasis respond well to hypnotherapy. This type of skin eruption is a sign of mental unhappiness. As long as your mind believes the problem is capable of being removed at all, then it can be removed with hypnosis.


Client Convincer section
And you can just enjoy that lovely feeling of deep, deep relaxation...
and maybe you can remember other times when you had this same feeling... and you can multiply that and enjoy that... and know that things are changing the way they should be...
so now I would like you to pay attention to you eyes... to those little tiny muscles that control your eyelids... and those little muscles are so relaxed so tired... it's as if they have forgotten how to work...
and I would like you to pretend that those eyes are so relaxed that they just won't work... and the more you try to open them, the harder they stay closed... as if they are glued shut...
and when you are sure... absolutely sure... that those eyes just won't work... you can try to open them... and you will find those eyes are glued tight shut...
that's right... and you can stop trying now...
and that's a demonstration to you that you really are in trance...
it is also a demonstration of the power of your mind...
your mind can control parts of your body that you are not even aware of having control of... and your mind is powerful and strong... and your mind can change things in your body... and your mind can change things in your mind...
Use your mind to change your body
and coming here today means that you are ready to change.. that you want to change... that there has been something that has been bothering you for a long time... and it is time to give it up now...
Capabilityand you can change that... you can do that...D
because this problem is caused by your mind... and this problem will be fixed by your mind... all you need is a guide... and you can be guided out of the problem...
So take a deep breath... and enjoy that lovely feeling of relaxation....
and allow you mind to begin to open to new ideas.. new ways of doing thing... exploring the possibilities... thinking about ways that things can change... ways that things have changed... about the way that things should change... because change is all around you... every day you are changing.... ever cell in your body changes and renews... is replaced over and over... and skin cells are changed almost every day...
and you can maybe imagine how you can change your skin and have beautiful smooth skin again... how you can use parts of your mind to focus on those areas ... and it is as if you can wipe your hand down your body... and as you wipe it over your skin... as it passes over... those parts that are not the way you want them... you can imagine just wiping away those diseased cells... just wipe them off... and what is left behind is fresh clear clean skin... beautiful and healthy... skin you can be proud of...VVisualization
Capabilityand your mind can do that for you... your mind can control that....D
so just allow yourself to go deep inside now... and find the mechanism that controls your skin... just imagine... in a way that makes sense to you... how you could get those things to change... how you could persuade the right part... to change... and feel it changing... sloughing off that old... bad skin... replacing it with new successful skin...Metaphor
Behaviorand you continue to do that from now on...D
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[The rest of this script is in the Healing Hypnosis Scripts collection]
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Perspective on stress
and maybe you can take a moment now... and just imagine a sunset... sometime .... away in the future.... when you see your children grown up... and yourself.. happy, fulfilled... a good life... and you can imagine yourself as another step in all those older generations... taking part in that long long journey... because that is what it is all about...
that is success... and you are part of it... you are a success...
so take a moment to think about that sunset... far in the future... many many years from now... when it is time to move on... look back... to look back at a happy full life... a life where you did what you wanted... and enjoyed everything that was on offer... took what you enjoyed... what you deserved.. and you can feel good knowing that that is coming...
so just take a moment to enjoy that feeling... to think about your place in the world.. to realize that what you think is so important now... might not seem that way when you walk into that sunset...
And you know... everything changes...Truism
and as you are lying there now... breathing softly... you are changing...D
that strong mind of yours... is making those changes happen... clearing up that skin.... shedding those old concerns and showing the real you underneath... fresh and clear like a spring morning.....
And so before coming back to full awareness.....presupposition
take whatever time you need now... to consider those ideas... to allow your mind to examine things from every aspect... like a jeweler looking into the heart of a diamond...
and the lessons and possibilities... consider them deeply... absorb them deeply... into your very being.... thinking about how best to apply them....bind: best
And when you have had enough time to process and learn from this session.... when it is time to bring this session to a close , a comfortable close...Ibind: time
you can start coming back to the present.... at whatever rate is right for you. when you are fully prepared to... you can find yourself back in full awareness of the room around you, feeling refreshed... and knowing that you have finally cleared up that old problem.I
And every minute from now on, every hour from now on... that eczema is fading... it has gone away before... it is going away now... for ever
and it will never come back... because your mind has wiped away that feeling of stress... the stress and frustration that was causing it...



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