Analogical Marking Conversational Hypnosis
Stealth Covert hypnosis conversation
Analogical Marking
Analogical marking is one way of applying the Milton Model. Analogical Marking delivers hypnotic commands hidden inside normal speech as part of a conversational induction.
Milton Erickson discovered that he could mix hypnotic commands into an ordinary conversation and have someone act on them provided the command words were subtly different in some way.
This insight is the basis of the Milton Model and of NLP anchoring. In normal conversation, a hypnotic induction can be done covertly by using a deeper voice tone for the command words, or pausing briefly before and after the words, or touching the client while the command words were being said.
The client subconsciously registers that these analogically marked words were somehow different and while the conscious part of the mind is listening to the ongoing conversation the subconscious part of their mind is still thinking about the analogically marked words and phrases.
The following section shows how to do a conversational induction based on Milton Model techniques.
A Conversational Induction
This style of hypnosis is called conversational hypnosis, or covert hypnosis, and is normally used to avoid resistance in clients who will not accept formal hypnosis. It is seldom used in therapy because standard methods are faster and easier.
It is promoted aggressively on the Internet by people claiming to be able to reveal the secret of 'covert hypnosis' and 'how to get other people to do whatever you want' or to 'secretly hypnotize women'.
In fact, there is nothing mysterious or secret about the process of analogical marking. Anyone can learn it. All it needs is a bit of planning and a bit of practice.
In order for a command to go unnoticed in a normal conversation the command must be short, and not stand out as something strange or odd in the normal speech it is embedded in. It needs to be subtle and not overused.
The commands can be mixed in with any topic at all, although the hypnotist would usually choose a topic that the client was familiar with, but choose to talk about it in a slightly ambiguous or unusual way, so as to engage the client's attention.
Basic Procedure for analogical marking
A. decide what words and phrases you want to put into the other person's mind using analogical marking.
B. write these out in the order that you want to deliver them.
C. select a topic that will engage the client's interest.
D. Create a story using the topic.
The finished analogical marking word structure can be inserted into any topic.
The story should be intriguing, ambiguous and little 'off beat' in order to get the client thinking and wondering where it might be going. If it is too simple the analogical marking might stick out.
The script can feature a single idea, or be split into sub stories (see Multiple Embedded Metaphor Therapy).
Analogical Marking fits well with all of the hypnotic wording techniques that are part of normal hypnotic induction language. Analogical marking does not need to be grammatical, logical or even complete, because the client will be in trance by the time the story is part way through.
The script below shows how analogical marking commands can be embedded into anything. In this case the story is an unlikely and unpromising topic just to demonstrate how it can be done. The text can be read in two ways.
The first version shows the text as delivered: there is nothing to signal that it is actually aimed at inducing trance. Reading the second version shows that the embedded commands for analogical marking make up a complete induction, and the words surrounding them are just to distract the mind.
Conversational induction Script
First - without analogical marking
I wonder if you have ever thought about motor racing and therapy? You know what a race track is like.... high tech cars whizzing round a race track at great speed might not seem to have a lot to do with how to... make yourself relax, ... but great racing drivers have an amazing ability, even in all that noise and speed they can.... get comfortable.... in any situation. Good drivers have learned to... let go of any tension ....before the race, they prepare themselves mentally... so that they are ready before it all begins.... and then during the race they can get so focused they... forget about everything else ... around them, they climb into the car.... buckle the harness... and then they visualize how it will be... going round that track.... in their mind.... then they allow the mind to empty.... become one with the car and the surroundings.... not noticing.... focusing internally.... becoming aware of the feeling under their fingertips.... head back and eyes closed for a moment... focusing on each breath out....they settle down... becoming aware of their body's weight... arms and legs... sinking down into that comfortable seat, and as it gets going, things seem to happen in slow motion, as if everything has slowed down completely.... it seems as if they are just drifting slowly round the corners, then down the straights, and as they sit there, in control of things... in control of the relaxed and focused, and then down... further down through the gears, smoothly and steadily... and then comfortably into the straight, relaxed and breathing gently ... part of the driver's mind considers what it has to consider, and another part thinks about forgetting things it doesn't have to .... and they say the best way is to just let go.... let go of all thoughts, to really enjoy the feeling... of being in control, of going inward, focus on that feeling of inner calm that comes when... nothing matters... there is nothing to do.... all the preparation is done... running smoothly down... on track towards the reward... everything is going the way it is supposed to.... and as the minutes pass gently away.... and the race winds down... and things get slower and slower as the cars reach the finish... totally at rest...
Now - with analogical marking shown
I wonder if you have ever thought about motor racing and therapy? You know what a race track is like....high tech cars whizzing round a race track at great speed might not seem to have a lot to do with how to... make yourself relax, ...but great racing drivers have an amazing ability, even in all that noise and speed they can.... get comfortable.... in any situation. Good drivers have learned to... let go of any tension ....before the race, they prepare themselves mentally... so that they are ready before it all begins.... and then during the race they can get so focused they... forget about everything else ... around them, they climb into the car.... buckle the harness... and then they visualize how it will be... going round that track.... in their mind.... then they allow the mind to empty.... become one with the car and the surroundings.... not noticing.... focusing internally.... becoming aware of the feeling under their fingertips.... head back and eyes closed for a moment... focusing on each breath out....they settle down... becoming aware of their body's weight... arms and legs... sinking down into a comfortable seat, and as it gets going, things seem to happen in slow motion, as if everything has slowed down completely.... it seems as if they are just drifting slowly round the corners, then down the straights, and as they sit there, in control of things... in control of the relaxed and focused, and then down... further down through the gears, smoothly and steadily... and then comfortably into the straight, relaxed and breathing gently ... part of the driver's mind considers what it has to consider, and another part thinks about forgetting things it doesn't have to .... and they say the best way is to just let go.... let go of all thoughts, to really enjoy the feeling... of being in control, of going inward, focus on that feeling of inner calm that comes when... nothing matters... there is nothing to do.... all the preparation is done... running smoothly down... on track towards the reward... everything is going the way it is supposed to.... and as the minutes pass gently away.... and the race winds >down... and things get >slower and slower as the cars reach the finish ... totally at rest...
How to mark embedded commands
The embedded commands to use with analogical marking can be marked in various ways. There is no right or wrong way to do a conversational induction, as long as the analogical marking is consistent and non-obvious
Voice tone
Voice tone is the most useful way of marking out specific words. Humans recognize that the tone of voice implies something over and above the actual words used. Saying a word with a descending, deepening tone of voice turns it into a command, or at least something you should be paying attention to. On the other hand, saying a word with the voice rising at the end turns it into a question.
When talking to a client to perform a conversational induction, the hypnotist can speak the command words more loudly, or with a particular stress, or in a different accent, or by turning their head either towards or away from the client. All of these forms of analogical marking are easy to do and many people already do it naturally and unconsciously. Politicians are trained to 'lean forward and smile' while delivering their core message to the interviewer, and then they lean back again.
- For more details see: Anchoring
Caution: Do not over use analogical marking
Analogical marking has to be done with some care. If it is done in a clumsy way then the listener will realize that they are being manipulated. They will immediately reject what you say from then on. After that, any kind of trust has been lost forever.
Similarly, as with all unconscious suggestions, the unconscious mind will not do anything that is against that person's moral or ethical codes. In sales, cleverly done analogical marking can be used to plant ideas such as 'good value' or 'decide today' or similar because these are part of the normal buying and selling process. However, no matter how a suggestion is delivered, you cannot get anyone to do things that they would not ordinarily do. Any suggestion or command, even if it has been introduced subtly and progressively, will be rejected if it clashes with that person's inner values.