Clinical Hypnotherapy Theory
How does Hypnotherapy work?
How does Clinical Hypnotherapy work?
Psychologists do not agree on exactly how hypnotherapy works, but a century of scientific research has proved that it does work. Each Clinical Hypnotherapy Theory tries to explain how hypnotherapy gets the powerful effects it does. Each theory is at least partly right.
After more than a hundred years of trial-and-error hypnotists have learned what works. As as long as the results are consistent, it does not matter which particular theory you favor.

Core Belief Theory
This theory states that there are essential core beliefs about the self. These are beliefs about Identity, Behavior and Capability. There is also an associated area of beliefs, usually not consciously examined, about how to survive in the world. These can be expressed as Rules. Accepting this theory gives a useful and effective target for hypnotherapy techniques.
Behavior Cycle Theory
The behavior cycle theory of clinical hypnotherapy states that much unconscious behavior arises from the inappropriate use of generalized solutions in specific situations. The essence of the theory is that people over-generalize from experience and distort current information to make current situations appear to be the same as past situations. Accepting this theory offers an elegant and consistent way to deal with many recurring problems and phobias.
Hypnotize Yourself Theory
This theory of clinical hypnotherapy states that many of the problems people have are the result of constantly thinking of negative outcomes. The constant repetition of negative words and images has the effect of hypnotising their own mind. Hypnotizing yourself maintains and worsens the Behaviour Cycle. Accepting this theory leads to therapies based on teaching people how to stop their negative thoughts and how to replace them with helpful positive thoughts. The result is often rapid and permanent improvement in many aspects of the client's life.
Anchoring Theory
Anchoring theory states that behavior that is automatic and seems to be outside the client's control is the result of conditioned responses. The human mind is adept at learning to generalize from repeated experiences. Once a satisfactory response has developed to deal with a class of events, then your mind makes these responses automatic. It removes them from conscious awareness. The client is then forced to use an inappropriate behavior in response to events which are over-generalized. Accepting this theory leads to a set of powerful techniques for removing anchors and conditioned behavior.

Resource Atrophy Theory
This theory states that the human mind has a learning mechanism that takes input from the world and creates memories of those inputs and associated behaviours. However, under certain conditions the mind can lose contact with its own memories and thus appears to have lost the resources needed to deal with particular situations. Accepting this theory leads to a therapy which seeks to identify and consolidate similar resources and thus re-connect the mind with appropriate memories of how to deal with its problems.