Healing cloud hypnosis

Healing Cloud Hypnosis Script

Leave your troubles behind with Healing Cloud Hypnosis Script

Put your life into perspective

The Healing Cloud hypnosis script uses a metaphor for letting go, to visualize your life as something you can put into perspective It.is partly spiritual, partly psychological.  The listener  dissociates from the day to day  issues and uses their mental energy to focus on what matters.
The Healing Cloud hypnosis suggestions continue the 'drifting' 'floating' imagery of the induction. The listener enters a cloud where they get surrounded by healing light. That light eases and penetrates and makes changes to their body. Then, from the cloud, they look down on their life.

That gives a perspective. From there you can decide what is actually important, and put things into place in your mind. Using the new perspective you can let go of old pain and troubles and encourage your own healing energy to take over.


Relaxation Response Induction
So settle back now, get comfortable... and close your eyes.....
Now take a deep breath, and hold it.... and .... just let it all go.... ahhhh...That's good...Start releasing tension
When you are ready.... take another deep breath...... and as you do... lift your shoulders up. Then as you breath out.... let them slump down and relax.Let go muscle tension
Now lift your arms slightly.... and on the next breath out... let them drop back naturally.... and relax your whole bodyLet go muscle tension
And I wonder if you could imagine what it would be like if your arms and legs had become so heavy?  that you just could not move them. that they felt as if they were made of lead.DDissociation
...and just allow that heaviness to grow
... and now I would like you to focus on your breathing.... just become aware of the gentle in and out of your breath...DDissociation
And as you think about your breathing... with each breath out... just allow your body to relax more...IDissociation
and you could become curious as to exactly how relaxed you can be...
...and focusing on each breath out will let you relax and settle down a little deeper... each time you breathe out....Deepening
...while you think about that....Ambiguity
and a little more relaxation after every breath... that's good....DDeepening
and continue breathing gently... relaxing....
And as an experiment, for the next ten breaths.... you could start counting each breath out... counting down from ten down to one.... as you breathe out... say the next number under your breath... or think of the next number... if you can...IDeepening
allowing each breath to relax you more... and as you relax completely ...as you say each number quietly to yourself... you might find that those numbers are disappearing....you may find it harder and harder to know what number comes next... and you can relax those numbers away... if you want to... those numbers can just disappear completely... with each gentle breath.... as you drift down and down...IMake the listener aware that they are in trance now
And as you become aware of that at some level... that means that things are going exactly the way they should be...Reassurance
... and your mind is opening to new possibilities...DSeeding
Healing light --> Power --> capability to change
And I wonder if you can imagine lying on a large... soft.... fluffy cloud....
and you are feeling safe... and warm... and supported...Reassurance
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The rest of the healing cloud hypnosis script is in the Healing Collection.
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And take some time now.... as long as you need... to think about these things and the other things.... and that emerging awareness....
And enjoy that feeling of warmth and safety and comfort that the cloud can give you... while you do that....
You know you have changed
And when you are ready... when you have done everything you need to do... made all the transformations you want to see... felt the difference of being different....Kpresupposition
IdentityAnd knowing that something really has changed....I
Identitythat deep down inside there is something.... opening... loosening...I
Then you can begin the process of coming back to the present... but in the meantime... take whatever time you need....
and then count to yourself from five up to one... and when you get to one, you will be back in the present, fully alert, and ready for the rest of your day....
So just take as long as you need now... and come back to the present when you know that the process of change is starting and will continue...Bind




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The Healing Cloud therapy is also available as a spoken recording. You can play it on your iPad or computer and let it put you into a healing trance. 

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