Confront your abuser

Confront your abuser

Sexual Abuse Recovery

Confront your abuser, and move on

Childhood sexual abuse affects your whole life. Most victims try to forget about it, but can’t. Instead, it makes them feel guilty, worthless and used. The child has been betrayed, and then blamed. Sexual abuse is a shameful secret that they think everyone knows about them. You need to confront your abuser.

This script allows you to confront your abuser, let everyone know what he did, even if he is dead. It sets up a place where the victim can demand justice, and an apology and punishment. Confront your abuser, and by doing this, you will finally let go of that feeling.

Extract from Confront your abuser Script

Now just get yourself comfortable… close your eyes…
Childhood feelings Induction
Now… Take a deep breath… Close your eyes.
I want you to think back over your life… think about when you were young…
MemoryThink about when you were 19… A young woman… think about when you were 15… and then 13… a teenager… then think about when you were nine… maybe seven… A little girl… Put yourself back in that time…regression
And now think about your house at that time… where you lived… And the front door…
Imagine being that little girl… Standing outside the front door… And not wanting to go in… Feeling that feeling… That feeling of fear… Unhappiness… Of having to go inside and not wanting to…Connect to the feeling
Imagine reaching up to the doorknob… not wanting to open that door…
Memoryand feel now what she is feeling… Like you had done something wrong… fearful of being punished… hurt… rejected …
About never being good enough ever again.
And then...
Old feelings differently
You find yourself walking along a quiet road somewhere...Vambiguity
Capabilityand as you walk along... you are becoming really annoyed with those feelings… why they are always there… aware that they shouldn’t be there… aware… that it has to stop…Kchange in awareness
It is time to stop feeling unhappy... to stop feeling that something is wrong with you... with how you live... with how you feel about yourself...I
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This script is in the Sexual Health Collection
- - - - - - - - -Iindirect quotation
You think about their part, and you can decide what punishment they are to get…
and then one after the other they are led away.
And the judge says to you... 'And you. I sentence you to life. To a full and happy life... to a long and fulfilled life doing what you want to do... free from these people... from all and any influence from them. Go. Go now and enjoy'.Iindirect quotation
And you look round the room... and you say in a loud voice... 'I came here today... to tell my story... the story of my life... my upbringing... to tell you all everything about me... but there is one more thing I have to tell you... 'Indirect assertion
IdentityI have to tell you that I am proud of who I am. I am proud of what I have gone through to get here. I am strong... I am a winner. I am a survivor. I know who I am and I am as good as anybody...
I now see these people for what they were... lonely, stupid, unhappy and insignificant...reframe
Capabilityfrom now on, I am going to do what I want to do... what is best for me... from now on I am taking back my life and living it to the full... I intend to spend as long being truly happy as I did being unhappy. And nothing can stop me now.
and the people there look at each other... and then one applauds... and then another... and then the whole room are standing... cheering...Reassurance
and you feel a wave of acceptance... encouragement... pride... strength... coming over you... and something changes inside... changes forever...IReward
and you walk out of that place feeling ten feet tall... supercharged...Action metaphor
and in your mind's eye... those old feelings... like those other people... are shrinking and fading away... like they never were.VMetaphor change
BehaviourAnd coming back from that experience... you are free to choose to come back to the present… or to take some time and decide what you want your future to be...IAmbiguity
IdentitySo think about what you want... and when you are ready ... come back to full awareness in your own time... in your own way...IReinforce-ment



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