Rewrite your future

Library of Discovery Rewrite your future

Create your own future

Rewrite your future

A Hypnotic Metaphor Script for a journey to self discovery. Create your own future and wipe out the past.
Forget the past and create your future with this powerful hypnotic metaphor. It takes you into a room full of books. Some are ancient and some are brand new. These are Books of Lives. Your book is there.

You take down the book and open it. Inside is the story of your life. By examining the book you can erase the bad things in your life.  Through self discovery you discover the reason for what happened and then find out what your future holds.
If you have psychic abilities this hypnosis script will develop your psychic powers and make the future known to you. Everyone wants to forget the past about something.


And now I would like you to allow your mind to wander.... wander far away.... to a far distant land..... a land of magic and wonder....and you find yourself walking through some trees.... your feet are kicking up dead leaves... a smell of decay and renewal drifts up.... as your feet uncover the rich deep soil underneath.... and around you are tall trees.... and above you can glimpse patches of dark clouds between the branches .... the forest is silent except for your own footsteps.... and the sound of your breath... there is a strange feeling around.... I wonder if you can feel it too? .... it's as if everything is waiting.... an anticipation.... of some wonderful event....DDissociation
CapabilityBecause you are on a mission... you have to find and enter a stronghold... a place that holds something important for you.... a place you have tried to find in the past.... and never succeeded up to now.IYou can succeed
CapabilityBut this is the day, this is the time. Now, everything can be different.Unspecified
You walk on... not really sure of where you are going... or what you have to do.... and ground starts to rise and the going gets tougher... and just ahead there is someone struggling along dragging a bundle of firewood.... you catch up.... the person is old and infirm.... with watery pale eyes... those eyes turn to you... and in them you see ancient wisdom.... acceptance... pain... and hope.
And without thinking you pick up the load with one hand and with the other you start to help the old person over the hard ground... Nothing is said.... you go on letting the other person lead you.... until you come to a faint path in the trees... the other person shakes off your hand.... gathers up the wood.... and points along the path...MHelping them = deserving to change now
.... you take that path... follow it ..... and it gets wider.... clearer.... and the trees begin to thin out ... the sky brightens up.... and up ahead you can see parts of a large building... through the trees.... it has towers and high walls.... it seems strong and enduring.... but the path continues on towards the building.... a private path... that goes round the side of those great walls.... that takes you along the foot of the walls.... walking quietly in the cool shadow there... and the path leads to a small door.... set low down in the high wall.... like a mousehole in a giant's castle.... and there are steps down to reach the door.... you go down the steps carefully.... counting them to yourself silently... and each step takes you down and down... yet with each step you feel more comfortable.... more sure of yourself..... more relaxed.... more in charge...
And at the bottom of the steps the door swings open for you.... smoothly, silently, .... and inside you are inside a large room inside.... it extends away on all sides as far as you can see.... and everywhere are shelves... shelves filled with books, papers, journals, diaries, newspapers, report cards, evaluations, references..... a vast library lies under that forbidding looking building....
you walk towards the back, going ever deeper in with each step.... on each side are books on shelves, some are very ancient, their covers blackened with age, smelling musty, spines cracked and split, falling apart.... and some books are only a few pages long, almost brand new, fresh and shiny, bright and youthful.... and if you listen closely, you hear a murmuring.... a quiet sound seemingly coming from each book... like a conversation overheard in the night... and as you pass each shelf you get a feeling.... a tingle... as if the life of the author had reached out and touched you.... and you realise that this is a special magical place.... each book represents a life lived... each book is the sum of living so far... a record that grows and changes....
And as you reach the central area... that same aged figure appears again... and points off to the side.... to a particular shelf... and there.... one particular book is lying by itself..... waiting for you... unique and special.... with your name on the cover.....
The book opens and the pages begin to turn, slowly at first.... and then more quickly.... and as they do.... you get glimpses of pictures... smells... sounds ..... tastes.... people..... places.... voices.... colours.... words.... all these things and more come to your mind as the book flickers through the pages..... and you find you can control the pages.... you can will the book to slow down.... go back or go forward... or speed up..... and each page is an event from your life.... you can imagine it.... relive it.... examine it .....
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[The rest of this script is available in the Clinical Scripts Collection ]
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