Hypnosis Techniques

Hypnotic Techniques for Suggestions

Hypnosis Techniques for effective hypnotic commands

11 Hypnosis Techniques for effective commands 

Your unconscious mind is influenced by only a few different types of hypnosis experience  These are called Hypnosis Techniques, or Trance Effects. When you make sure that every suggestion uses one of the basic hypnosis experiences, then your client is more likely to act on that suggestion.

There are unlimited ways to write hypnotic words and phrases but only a few basic Hypnosis Techniques. The hypnotist needs to decide what belief needs to be altered, what behavior needs to be changed, and finally, which hypnosis technique to use to get the result.


HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUESummary of the hypnosis experience
Visualizationprobably the most common hypnosis technique used in hypnotherapy
Associationgetting the client to access their own resources
DissociationThe ability to look at yourself as if you were a different person
Rehearsalimagining being in some situation, and doing the actual behavior
Retrospective Previewsee yourself in the future , and 'remember' the steps it took to get there
Amnesiachoose to forget something or be selective in remembering
Reframingtake a problem behavior and turn it into a positive behavior
Post Hypnotic Suggestioninsert a trigger for some actions that will happen later
Regressioncalling up a memory or re-experience an old feeling
Time distortionsuggestion to stretch time or condense it
Sensory distortionsee, hear or feel something different from normal experience

Hypnosis Technique 1 - Visualization

Visualization is probably the most common hypnosis phenomena used in hypnotherapy. Visualization is also a form of self-hypnosis. Visualization is mostly used as a form of rehearsal, getting the client to imagine themselves in the future as having whatever it is they want to have now. It is also used to manipulate symbolic objects in metaphor therapy and to access memories in Regression. Visualization is not just 'seeing'.  Any way to experiencing can be called 'visualizing'. For example saying 'Imagine you are in a city far from here...' does not mean the listener has to visualize the city. They might experience it in other ways. It is still part of visualization.

ControlAnd if you look very closely at that indicator..... you will find that it is also varying just a little.... up and down a little..... fluctuating around some point...not quite steady.... isn't it?
PartsAnd you can imagine going through that door and finding yourself.... in among all those good parts of yourself ... and there's all the parts that make you feel good about yourself... and you can imagine them... pressing around you ... meeting you... and you feel so good because every part of you ... is valuable...
InductionAnd I wonder if you can imagine a big old house somewhere....
ActionI want you to do that now, [clientname]... use that control and go through your day as fast as you like... and at every scene.... every time you smoke.... reach out and just cut that cord... and you will see it falls off both wrists... and you are free... and you can fast forward through that scene... and cut every cord....

Visualization is used in one or more of the basic hypnosis techniques of:

Hypnosis Technique 2 -  Association

Association is a way of getting the client to access their own resources. The client is invited to imagine they are now in the future, when whatever it is that they want has happened to them. The client is led through a process of imagining how they would look, how they would stand, dress, behave and so on. This is similar to the technique of Retrospective Preview but in the technique of Association, the client is invited to 'associate into' that future self.

In other words, they are to enter the body and mind of that future person. The client is instructed to enter their future body, to see the world through the future body's eyes, to hear what it hears and to experience the mental state that goes with successfully having whatever it is they want to have in the future.

There are many variants of this technique. It can be suggested that the client identifies other people, either real or fictional, who have the strengths or abilities that the client wants. The client is then invited to associate into their bodies to experience what it is like to have those strengths or abilities, and to bring back those abilities when they leave the other person's body and return to their own. A similar technique consists of identifying people with the right abilities and then imagining putting on their head, so as to be able to understand the world the way they do.

SensoryImagine yourself dressed exactly right, saying the right thing, using the right gestures.... fitting in with what others say, what others expect.... showing you are in command of yourself, getting respect. See yourself looking good. Hear your own voice, confident, sure, convincing. Feel how you stand, how you move, how you smile... Experience that feeling that comes with total confidence
Sensoryand now... in your own way... enter that other you... that successful artful resourceful you... see what the world is like through successful eyes... hear what the world sounds like through successful ears...
SensoryAnd this means you can easily feel yourself become a different more confident person.

Hypnosis Technique 3 - Dissociation

If Association is about going into someone else's body, Dissociation is about going out of yourself and then experiencing your own body as if it was someone else's. The ability to look at yourself as if you were a different person is the basis of many therapies. It is fundamental to the fast phobia process and is the basis of most visualisation therapies.

Dissociation can also happen spontaneously in hypnosis. In the most dramatic version this is experienced as an out of body experience. The client will report having left their body and seeing themselves lying in the chair as if from a great height, often as if they were floating up at the ceiling.

Most people have no trouble experiencing some level of dissociation. It appears to be a normal human response to stress that can be called up when requested. During dissociation the mind is more easily able to examine its own beliefs and expectations objectively and 'getting distance' on your troubles appears to leave the mind open to change processes.

RehearsalAnd I wonder how easily you could imagine what it would be like to 'Fake it till you make it.'? Take a moment now and imagine yourself doing that..., next week or next month maybe,
SensoryNow take another deep breath and hold it... and this time really relax, just think about all those muscles that have to relax...
CapabilityAnd I'd like you to take a few moments now to experience yourself a little differently.... to think about possibilities.... think about change.
AssociationAnd you find yourself walking along by the side of a river somewhere... or a lake maybe.... it's a lovely warm day... the sun is shining... and there is fresh air blowing along... and there are flowers... and insects... and it's the best day you ever had... and as you walk along... you can somehow see yourself walking along... as if from a distance... you can see how you are dressed... how you walk.... and you can read the thoughts of that person walking along... clear in your mind...

Hypnosis Technique 4 - Rehearsal

Rehearsal, also known as Future Pacing, involves the client testing their reaction to a particular situation that is causing them a problem by imagining themselves in that situation, and demonstrating the behavior needed to put them in charge of the situation. The therapist talks the client through the problem situation suggesting the outline of the behavior, letting the client fill in the details from their own resources.

The client can be asked to visualize it directly, or can be lead into a cave where they see their future self reflected in a pool of water, or they can be taken into a room where they see themselves in a giant video projected onto a wall, or they might meet a ghost or guru who leads them to some place where their future is shown on a cloud or actually witness themselves from a distance.

SensoryVisualize yourself pushing open the door to the boardroom... seeing the people there... identifying all the key players... watching them smile in welcome... see yourself stepping up to begin your talk, confident, totally in control... remembering other times you were totally in control.... visualize each stage of the presentation, what you say, how you say it, what you show... see your jokes rippling round the room, your points registering home.... see yourself dominating the room, owning it... giving the best presentation they ever saw... you are confident, composed, creative... And then hear the applause, the rising tide of approval... they stand and clap, they gather round, congratulating you, approving, promising.....
Sensoryand now visualize that boardroom another time.... they are firing questions at... querying your figures... questioning your assumptions.... you respond... coolly... with assurance... as you did in other situations when you were in charge.... you cite numbers... examples... cases... you deal with each point with poise... calm... assurance... you use humour to make your point... disarm them.... charm them.... you master the room...

Hypnosis Technique 5 - Retrospective Preview

This is sometimes called 'pseudo orientation in time'. In this technique the client is asked to visualize themselves at some time in the future. The client is asked imagine how they would look, how they would sound, dress, act, etc., at a time when they have successfully solved their problem. The client is then asked to associate into that future person, to fully become that person, and to see through their eyes, hear through their ears and think the way they think. The client is then asked to observe their current self from that future vantage point and to 'remember' all the steps they took to get to to that future success.

Step outside yourself

This process has the advantage of changing the perceptual position, allowing the client to 'step out of' their current way of doing things, and to distance themselves from their present problems. By 'remembering' the steps needed the client is actually identifying the resources needed to complete the change successfully, in their own way and in their own words.

RehearsalSee yourself sitting in the boss's chair.... see yourself enjoying all the benefits you get from your achievement... imagine yourself behind the big desk... and allowing your mind now to think back to how you got the key promotion... go through each step, each stage, each milestone on the way to getting there... your mind can to show you what it was you did to achieve each stage.... how you went about it... what the key to success was... allow yourself to remember each stage... each step...and how you succeeded in getting that step... holding on to it... and moving on to the next.... visualise each intensely.... for every stage. Turn your visualization into a kind of movie.... with you as the star.... growing, changing, succeeding.... and looking back... showing everything you did to progress to that final achievement.

Hypnosis Technique 6 - Amnesia

Amnesia has two distinct meanings in hypnotherapy. One refers to the common experience of clients coming out of trance and saying that they remember little or nothing about the session.

The other meaning refers to the deliberate suggestion that the client can choose to forget something or alternatively to be selective in remembering. Amnesia is really about applied discrimination, choosing which things to pay attention to. If you don't notice something then you never memorize it, which is the same as forgetting it. The same logic applies to triggers. If the client can be persuaded not to notice a trigger then the associated memories are never brought out, which is equivalent to forgetting.

Memory... and those things will remind you of the way that you can go through your day.... and never even think about it.... .
MemoryWhen you believe in yourself, the more you meet new people the more you enjoy the sensation you always get and you forget about how you used to doubt yourself....
MemoryAnd when you get people talking about themselves,this means you can forget about yourself. You can forget to be nervous.

Hypnosis Technique 7 - Reframing

Reframing acknowledges the client's actions and feelings, but changes the meaning ascribed to them. The meaning you give to a situation depends on your world view, the assumptions you have about it. Few things are absolutely good or bad in life, and most things are subject to interpretation. Seeing failure to get the job you want as necessary feedback allows you to think about how to present your case better the next time, rather than wasting time in bitterness and blame. Taking a rainy day as an opportunity to spend more quality time indoors with the kids allows you to turn a disappointment into a benefit. Ideally, reframing takes a problem behavior and utilizes it as a positive behavior.

MemoryAnd when you think about it, [clientname] your life has been full of successes, in fact it has been one success after another.... Oh, I know there have been setbacks.... but you have been successful at so many things...
BindWhen you think about this exam you realize that it is the opportunity you have been waiting for.... to show everyone what you know.
Sensory...that feeling, those signals you get from your body...the fluttering, the anticipation, is your body's way of letting you know you are ready for the exam...

Hypnosis Technique 8 - Post Hypnotic Suggestion

To a certain extent, all effects of hypnosis are due to post hypnotic suggestion, but the term is reserved for suggested actions that will take place at a specific trigger some time after the hypnotic session is over. Post hypnotic suggestion can be used for fun, such as by suggesting that the number four will disappear for ten minutes after the session, but are usually used to trigger a different behavior in normally stressful situations.

sensoryAnd any time.... maybe you feel a little anxious.... maybe there is a bit of stress... And that hand begins to move up towards your mouth...the hand will suddenly seem gigantic... it will look like a bunch of bananas..... that hand will grow in size and you will become aware of that hand....and as you become aware of the hand you will feel an irresistible force ... straightening your arm out... pushing it down... pushing it away from your mouth..
memoryAnd any time you go into a situation where you might have chewed your nails in the past ... something inside you, some little thing happens ... that will just bubble up... like bubbles at the bottom of a lake, this little laugh will come up and you will laugh at yourself ... and that will remind you that this is a situation where you used to chew your nails and now you don't
capabilitybecause from now on anytime you find a cigarette in your fingers you just snap it in two....

Hypnosis Technique 9 - Regression

Regression is a normal process that everyone does. Whenever a stimulus causes you to call up a memory or to re-experience an old feeling you have experienced regression. Everyone is familiar with hearing an old song and being transported back in memory to when the song was first heard and recalling all the feelings, sights and sounds of that time.

Regression is experienced at different levels. Sometimes only an image of the memory is recalled, sometimes you can hear the actual words, sometimes the recall is so vivid that you feel yourself being there in the past, and totally forget about the present. Spontaneous regression can be unwanted and distressing, or may be nothing more than a daydream.

Memorygo back in your mind... to a time when this first happened,.... when you first had this feeling of anxiety,... allow your mind to find a memory... allow yourself to bring up that feeling... and the memory that comes with it... feel what you felt then, hear what you heard, see what you saw... just allow your mind to find that memory ..... and when you have it... say 'yes'.
memoryAnd I wonder if you can imagine a big old house somewhere.... the kind of house that generations have grown up in... easter eggs, candles burning, shiny stars, dressing up..... and it's a happy house....
MemoryAnd the princess found her way blocked by a high wall with no way out.... I wonder if you have ever experienced something like that?

Hypnosis Technique 10 - Time distortion

The perception of time is largely subjective. A happy day can fly by, in the dentist's waiting room time can stop. Panic happens because we feel we do not have enough time, anxiety happens when we feel there is too much time for things to go wrong. During therapy, suggestions can stretch time or condense it.

  SensoryAnd you know, a minute of inner time can feel like an hour of clock time....
DissociationAnd once you start on the first question... as soon as you begin to write... you lose all notion of time... words flow... smoothly.... swiftly... effortlessly....and the answers flow out and are all finished before you know it.
SensoryAnd as you sink deeper, finding the next number takes longer and longer.

Hypnosis Technique 11 - Sensory distortion

Sensory distortion occurs when a suggestion is made that the client will see, hear or feel something different from their normal experience.

  SensoryAnd the smoke from that cigarette tears at your throat like the claws of a raven, your mouth is filled with the revolting taste of tar, and the smoke is burning your tongue and all you want to do is to throw down that cigarette and stamp the vile thing into the ground....
Sensorythe hand will suddenly seem gigantic... it will look like a bunch of bananas..... that hand will grow in size and you will become intensely aware of that hand...
Dissociation... and those fingers are stuck together as if they are glued. And you are totally unable to get those fingers apart... you can try moving those fingers but the harder you try the more they stick together... >

Hypnotic Techniques are used in every hypnosis therapy session. Knowing these techniques is a necessary core skill set. Every suggestion needs to be aimed at creating one or more of these hypnosis experiences.



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