How to use hypnosis scripts

How to use Hypnosis scripts

How to use hypnosis scripts Codes and structure

How to use hypnosis scripts

Best Hypnosis Scripts follow a precise way of showing how each line works.

Each line is laid out in four columns. For example, one line of a script might read:

Target    Suggestion LogicComment
 CapabilityBecause you have the right and the ability and the permission to change those things...>Cover all

The Target column identifies the target belief to be changed, or the part of the behavior cycle that is being addressed.

The Suggestion column holds the wording of the suggestion, what is actually said to the client. Sometimes the suggestion signals which part of the wording is making the change. For some suggestions it should be obvious and is not shown specifically.

The Logic column has a shorthand code to show what modality (the representation system: visual, auditory or kinesthetic) is being aimed at, or the hypnotic logic that is being used.

Logic Column Codes

AAuditory reactionencouraging an auditory recall
DDirect SuggestionExplicit instruction
IIndirect SuggestionImplied instruction
KKinesthetic reactionaiming at a muscular memory reaction
MMetaphor reactionusing a metaphor to engage indirect associations
VVisualization reactionencouraging the client to experience an image
/OppositeThe more of one thing the less of the other thing
=EquivalenceDoing one thing is the same as another thing
>Cause and EffectDoing one thing causes the other thing

The Comment column  further explaining what is going on: perhaps several lines are developing a response; or building up a particular hypnotic effect. The comments column makes it clear.self confidence

For an extended example of how these elements are used see Self Confidence Script

How to use hypnosis scripts - Logic

By understanding these guides you should be able to follow the logic of a clinical hypnosis script.

Once you understand the logic of how the words or technique work you can then use that as the basis for creating your own original wording and ideas.

Each script is divided into stand-alone sections. That way you can mix and match sections from different parts and cut and paste them to create new clinical scripts for yourself.

This means that you should examine everything in the collection to find bits that you can adapt when designing a treatment for a particular person's problem. A few scripts are based on a basic hypnotic pattern using different active parts for different target problems.

Most of the scripts are ready to use exactly as they are. Some are edited transcripts of hypnotherapy sessions. These show how to go about dealing with a type of problem in general, rather than being intended to be given word for word.

Everyone who comes to your office is unique. You should study the transcripts to understand how to go about tackling their particular problem. Then take sections and adapt these for your own use.

Some items in the collections are not traditional hypnotherapy suggestions, but are given in the form of metaphor stories. These can be used on their own. Or inserted into a regular hypnotherapy session to give the therapy a broader application.

When you get the scripts

Best Hypnosis collections are supplied in two different formats. One is in Word format, the other is in pdf format. They contain identical content.

The Word version is designed to let you edit and change individual scripts to suit particular clients. Then you can print out a personalized version of the script to use in your consultations.

The pdf version is supplied so that you can easily search and view the scripts. That way you can't accidentally delete anything that you want to keep. It also has the advantage that you you can move it on to your ipad or other portable reader.

Then you can refer to the text while the client is in trance. This is much better than having to fiddle with sheets of paper that rustle noisily and usually fall to the floor when you most need then.

Developing your own style

Scripts are a great way to learn hypnosis. They should always be treated as a source of ideas and techniques and not as the one way to do things. When you are learning it is OK to follow some scripts exactly to start with.

But the words the writer uses are not your words, and your own words will always sound more natural. Using a one-size-fits-all approach based on scripts will only produce second best results.

You should follow the structure, but adapt it to suit the person you are dealing with.

Tailoring your script collection

Using Hypnosis ScriptsThere are times when you can skip over sections, there are times when you only need a bit of the script or you want to mix in sections from other scripts. All of these are OK to do.

Use a block outline technique to make sure that what you do follows a logical flow, but you can and should deviate from it. You have to do an induction, then a test, possibly a deepener, but after that you are free to use whatever seems best for this particular client.

You will get useful feedback and ideas from the client. Weave into the session and start to develop your own hypnosis style.

Once you have a bit of experience you will learn to trust your instincts and you will know what the client needs. You will know the right metaphor to use, or a series of direct suggestions will seem to be just right.

Put them into your own words, referring to the script if you want to. Soon you will find yourself creating original and powerful words and images to suit that client exactly.

So study the scripts, and before your client comes in you can search through the collection for bits that might be useful. Arrange them in a way that makes sense to you, and you will have a plan of how you are going to approach this client.


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