Open post
Feedback is wonderful

Feedback is wonderful

Feedback is wonderful. Sometimes I get the nicest emails:

Hi David,

I cannot continue studying your site, your words, your scripts, your material without expressing my profound gratitude to you for your generosity in sharing your wisdom. I am a new consulting hypnotist, certified with the National Guild of Hypnotists in the State of New Hampshire, USA.

Last night I gave a seminar at the local library and when an audience member asked me to help him overcome a lifetime habit of nail biting - I was aware that I needed ideas.

Your site and you are wonderful. I have created a shortcut to your material from my desktop and will be forever grateful to you for taking the time to help others in this wonderful field. If I make it to NZ I'm taking you out to dinner. if you make it to NH let me know - I owe you so much. As soon as I pay the rent and get a few bills paid I plan on ordering your books. Once again thank you from a grateful novice to a master Hypnotherapist. Have a wonderful day knowing that you have made a difference half a planet over.


Thoughts on feedback

Feedback is wonderful. It is a lonely business publishing a web site. You seldom know how your efforts are being received, so it is great to get feedback. I mostly write this blog to clarify my own thoughts. I was a university professor for much of my life. It is a strange fact that the best way to learn something is to teach it. The other strange fact of a life in university is that the best to find out what your think and what you think you know is to write about it. Errors in logic, faulty thinking and gaps appear all too obviously. 

So I write to find out what I think. Like all bloggers, I hope that this interests others. But you don't often get to know what other people think of it, so this email was a lovely surprise. 

Thank you Barbara.

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